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Traveling to Kanab, Utah, is like stepping into a picturesque world where values, common courtesy and outdoor opportunities abound. Situated in a welcoming location where everyone matters, and like most small towns, Kanab has a real focus on its youth. As a community, Kanab has long needed to provide a place in town where young people could congregate, interact and have fun in a positive environment.

The completion of the K-Town Plaza skatepark is a significant accomplishment, the culmination of many years of time, donations and volunteering from a lot of people in and around the town. For three years, many people have gone out of their way to raise money and receive donations to help make the creation of a new skatepark a reality. As the first of its kind, the skatepark and innovative pumptrack attract a variety of enthusiasts, from skateboarders to bike riders and everyone in between. In a town based on tourism, this new skatepark will be able to provide opportunities and fun not only for locals, but also for those staying in Kanab on vacation.

Cheryl Brown, one of the main supporters on the skatepark committee, said it best: ā€œK-Town Plaza represents more than just a place to play. ItĀ  represents the community coming together to support its youth and recognizes they are one of its most important assets. The kids worked hard to fundraise, to serve in their community, and learned how to go through proper steps to get something accomplished in their community. It will be a place that can be enjoyed by all ages, genders and economic situations and will provide a place for residents and visitors to come together for healthy outdoor recreation.ā€

Kanab residents have discovered that it is not only their youth that use the facility; families, visitors and many others have also enjoyed it. The park has quickly become a focal point for the entire community. Residents are proud of the opportunity to have a place to congregate in the heart of the town and to have a good time in the outdoors, playing and promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles. The Kanab community and all the good people who helped make the new pumptrack/skatepark happen can now say they are pioneers in revolutionizing active parks. Special Thanks to Michael Brooke Concrete Wave Magazine.

Amazing skatepark in Kanab UT

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