Independent Trucks

Independent Countersunk Hardware 1″ BLUE BLACK + Tool


New BLUE / BLACK Indy Hardware with skate tool!

Independent Genuine Parts hardware is specified to the highest standards. Each set contains 8 blue bolts and 2 black bolts. Genuine Parts Phillips hardware features cross logo heads, full size nylon lock nuts, full size bolt heads with Cross insignia, and extended unthreaded shafts for minimal board damage.

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Independent Indy Blue Bolts Hardware Canada Pickup Vancouver

Independent Indy Blue Bolts Hardware Canada Pickup VancouverIndy Independent Hardware Bolts Canada Pickup VancouverThe INDY Countersunk Hardware is the answer to all your prayers! Independent Genuine Parts hardware is specified to the highest standards.

Now with included SKATE TOOL! 

BLUE BLACK INDY – Each set contains 8 blue bolts and 2 black bolts.

Genuine Parts Phillips hardware features cross logo heads, full size nylon lock nuts, full size bolt heads with Cross insignia, and extended unthreaded shafts for minimal board damage.

This Independent Hardware features a length of 1″ and includes 8 blue bolts and 2 Black bolts with matching black lock nuts. This allows riders to fit risers on their board with ease.

The countersunk type of bolts sit flush with the surface of a longboard deck once drilled in. As a result, countersunk bolts are typically seen on setups that require the rider to move his or her feet over the bolts often, allowing for free movement over a flush platform!


  • Length: 1″
  • Countersunk design
  • Phillips head
  • (8) Blue bolts
  • (2) Special black bolts
  • Matching Black lock nuts

Dig in to what Bayne Park has to offer with Leo, Corey, Dakota, Blake, and CJ in this “Blow’n Up The Spot!”. Overall, the Countersunk type of bolts sit flush with the surface of a longboard deck once drilled in. In addition, countersunk bolts are typically seen on longboard setups that require the rider to move his or her feet over the bolts often, allowing for free movement over a flush platform. Loving the amazing line of products that Independent has to offer? Why stop here! Keep up to date with the newest and latest products here: INDEPENDENT TRUCKS


Independent Trucks

Indy Independent Trucks Canada Pickup CalStreets Vancouver Independent Truck Company is a skateboard truck manufacturer based in Santa Cruz, California, United States (US). Established in 1978, the company is owned by NHS, Inc. The trucks are manufactured in the city of San Francisco, US, by Ermico Enterprises, Inc., the only dedicated skateboard truck foundry in the US. *May 23rd 1978 was the day that changed skateboard trucks forever. That was the day the world received the gift of Independent trucks. They have made trucks non-stop since day one. Available in a wide variety of sizes and heights and even featuring the 6 hole pattern (pre 1992 compatible) base-plates on some of their larger models. Independent does everything you can to get you on the grind.* Independent trucks are probably the most well known skate trucks to date.
Independent Trucks

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 1 cm