The Pint has a top speed of 16 mph and a range of 6-8 miles, locking it in as a short-distance commuter electric rideable. The Onewheel Pint’s standout feature is definitely Simplestop, and it’s designed specifically to build rider confidence.
By stepping back on the board once its rolled to a standstill, the Pint’s gyroscope deactivates, allowing you to safely dismount the rideable.
This also prevents you from embarrassing yourself by suddenly losing balance, or flinging the Pint toward another rider or pedestrian.
The product has several new, refined features that make it more practical and easy to ride, including: Maghandle, an integrated fold-out carrying handle on the side of the board that makes Pint easy to pick up and take with you, whether it’s onto the subway or into your house.
Simplestop technology, which enables a simplified ride experience to help novices get riding with confidence right away.
Lightbar, an LED light display on the board that gives visual indication of battery status and other notifications.
“After adding more power, speed and range with our last two product releases, we wanted to put the core Onewheel ride experience into a more accessible package. That’s why we spent the last three years incorporating everything we’ve learned from our other products to make this little shred bot. It’s a great addition to the premium, long-range Onewheel+ XR already in our line-up,” added Doerksen.
In addition to new features, Pint also includes several technologies that Onewheel riders have come to appreciate, including Hypercore™ motor technology for a smooth, powerful ride experience, and the Onewheel App (available for Android and iOS), which enables users to change the way the board rides with Digital Shaping. Pint reaches speeds of 16 MPH and has a range of 6-8 miles. Pint is the first Onewheel available in multiple color options, including Slate, Sand and a limited launch edition in Sage.
“It’s hard not to love Pint. It’s a fun-sized stoke machine that fits in your life,” said Onewheel Chief Evangelist Jack Mudd. “Everyone who’s had the chance to see and experience Pint quickly becomes obsessed. I can’t wait to share it with the world.There are going to be a lot of Pints out there this summer.” MORE ONEWHEEL GEAR