Santa Cruz SkateboardsSLIME BALLS

Santa Cruz Brain Buster Sticker 3.5″ x 2.875″


Santa Cruz Slime Balls Sticker 3.5″ x 2.875″ is the perfect sticker to stick just about anywhere that you wish. With a mind blowing graphic it’ll look sick on any surface!

Show your love for a truly monumental skate brand by slapping one of these bad boys on your next setup! It’s hard to say whether or not skateboarding would be the same today if not for Santa Cruz, so why not show some support? Not to mention, you’ll look cooler than anyone else at the skatepark.

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Online Sales Skateshop Vancouver Affirm, Paypal, Afterpay, Paybright Visa MastercardCANADA FREE shipping on most orders over $149.95


Santa Cruz Sticker World Canada Pickup VancouverBrain Buster Sticker Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup Hot Damn, Check this sick decal! The Santa Cruz Brain Buster sticker 3.5″ x 2.875″ is literally mind blowing!

Show your love for a truly monumental skate brand by slapping one of these bad boys on your next setup! It’s safe to say that skateboarding probably wouldn’t be what it is today if not for Santa Cruz!



  • New Graphic design
  • Sticks to things
  • Show your love!

SantaCruz RipGrip NOS Canada Pickup Vancouver

Calstreet/Boarder Labs sticker section!



Largest selection of Slimeballs in Canada Pickup CalStreetsThe Santa Cruz Slime Balls are coming in hot fully loaded with fresh slime ball urethane just for your enjoyment. These bad boys are a perfect addition to set up with some risers and you got yourself the ultimate slasher to charge through the streets or the park! Slime Balls come on sized down retro shapes from the heyday of the 80s. Keep it slimey! These bad boys are a perfect addition to set up on new school or old deck and you got yourself the ultimate slasher to charge through the streets or the park!

Santa Cruz Skateboards

Santa Cruz Skateboards Sales Canada Pickup CalStreets VancouverSanta Cruz Skateboards, nestled in the skateboarder's paradise of Santa Cruz, California, burst onto the scene in 1973. Picture this: Richard Novak, Doug Haut, and Jay Shuirman, probably sporting some epic '70s hairdos, get together and say, "Hey, let's start NHS Inc. and shake up the skate world."  With over four decades of skateboarding smarts (that's like, 280 in dog years of skate knowledge), Santa Cruz isn't just a brand; it's a skateboarding legend. Thanks to the mind-blowing graphics from the artist extraordinaire Jim Phillips, their decks are more iconic than a rock star's guitar. And let's talk about NHS's brand family – it's like the Avengers of skateboarding gear. They distribute the who's who of skate brands: Santa Cruz Skateboards (obviously), Creature Skates for the monster in you, Independent Truck Co. (the backbone of your board), Bronson Speed Co. (because who doesn't like speed?)!
Santa Cruz Skateboards

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 1 cm