Thrasher Magazine

Thrasher Playing Cards


Ever been in a situation where you had nothing to do on a rainy day with all your skate buddies? Well how about play some cards? Thrasher Playing Cards are the ideal solution to boredom. They feature sweet Thrasher style images on all the cards and are suitable for all your card games.

Thrasher Magazine has been around since day one for a lot of us guys here at the shop, we read it, love it  and breathe it. Its truly the skateboarders bible, it connected us long before the days of youtube and instagram and is still wildly popular and one of the only remaining printed skate publications.

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Thrasher Skateboard Magazine Swag Canada Pickup Vancouver

buy Thrasher Playing Cards Vancouver Local Pick Up Canada Online ShoppingThrasher Rubber Keychain Flexible Canada Pickup VancouverThrasher Playing Cards are a rainy day solution like no other! Don’t just sit there and spin your wheels on the couch. Play some cards! Round up the guys and play some blackjack, poker or what ever your hearts desire! It is tons more fun than shooting dice and is entertaining for hours.

Thrasher has been a top in slot company when it comes to skateboard information and product since the early 80s! In 2003, Thrasher started the King of the Road (KOTR) skateboarding competition.

The title of “Skater of the Year” is awarded annually by Thrasher magazine! CalStreets has not only been reading the magazine for decades, but lives the skate lifestyle.


  • Gambling isn’t for kids
  • Classic
  • Good for kings and queens
  • Rep hardcore skating
  • Impress your beer buddies
  • More Thrasher stuff here

Thrasher Magazine 40yrs Sticker Canada Pickup Vancouver

You didn’t think Jaws was gonna mellow out on this whole roof thing, did you? Hell NO! The Criddler is back, soaring from outta the sky more than ever. You gotta see this to believe it. Homoki is the 8th Wonder of the World…


Thrasher Magazine

Thrasher Magazine Canada Vancouver Pickup THRASHER MAGAZINE: Published monthly in San Francisco, CA since January 1981, Thrasher is the longest-running, best-selling skateboard magazine of all time—its name synonymous with both skateboarding’s roots and constant evolution; its staff dedicated to defining this evolution and the adventurous spirit of their readership.
Thrasher is one of the top skateboard magazines since I was a young skater shredding up the streets. They have always had the top skate brands and most recent top skaters of the world!
When it comes to getting quality information on quality skateboard product Thrasher Skateboard Magazine is the place to look!
Thrasher Magazine

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 1 cm