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Aera K3 Versus Arsenal Trucks

There are some differences between Aera and Arsenal trucks, especially for downhill and free riding. When it all boils down, they are both amazing trucks. It just depends on what you want to use them for. To dig deeper into this topic we decided to do a some research. The best explanation was found in […]


Seismic Introduces The Aeon Trucks

CW: This truck looks unlike anything else out there. What was your inspiration? Dan Seismic: We started working on the earliest version of the Aeon in 2006, but the work didnā€™t come into full focus until 2008. The industry landscape was quite different back then. Virtually all trucks used for downhill and freeride were still […]

ACS to XCaliber Feature

Truckin from ACS to X Caliber

From The Good, The Rad, and the Gnarly by Ben Marcus. Of all the skateboard truck companies that bubbled up in the 1970s, the three that are still going are Tracker, Independent and Gull Wing. Those companies, their founders and the products get their own sections of this book. Below is an alphabetical list of […]

Buzzed Trucks

Buzzed Trucks NICE!

Are you looking for a truck that excels in freeride and/or downhill? Then our V3’s are meant for you! Introducing our newest model, the Beefcake! We have perfected the design of a skateboard truck to give you incredible feel and stability. The Beefcakes are designed for the majority of downhill skateboarders. They are for those […]

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