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A Week in the Life of Louis Pilloni

What I Do

Being the brand manager of R.A.D., marketing assistant at Sector 9, co-founder/manager of SkateHouseMedia, team rider at Gullwing Trucks and RDVX , there is always something to do. Each week changes but there are plenty of hours in the day to work hard and have fun. I have been blessed by opportunity, but not afraid to work hard to my achieve 447x500-A-Week-in-The-Life-Of-Louis-Pilloni-workfile-article-race-7goals.

Sunday – Morning Skate and Motorcycle Ride
Time to prepare for the week and ease the body and mind. Load up the bike and head to the hills. Itā€™s a nice motorcycle cruise into the mountains. Thereā€™s a popular canyon to ride along the way to a local skate spot. After some runs on the bike, I meet up with the crew for skate runs till we are too tired to do more. We generally have the camera ready just in case we want to shoot. I head back home, do some SkateHouse Media editing (or at least try to), and relax with my girlfriend.

Monday ā€“ Back to the Grind
I am usually up early and I pack SkateHouse Media orders and back to the grind at work but I canā€™t complain. Working at Sector 9 is a dream job. I went to school at Gonzaga University for Marketing. When I was freshman at school it was only a fantasy to work in the industry. The daily tasks vary from week to week but generally media production, team management, event planning, product line planning, and the fun world of marketing on social networks can consume a day. Luckily we have the Bread Bowl at Sector 9, so once 5 oā€™clock comes, itā€™s back to skateboarding.

Tuesday ā€“ Filming/Photos
I wake up, grind some coffee, and I am off to the airport to pick up a team riders before heading to Sector 9. I slap some high fives to the S9 crew, check some emails, grab the camera gear and head off to the hills. Film/photo session intensity varies from project to project. Sometimes itā€™s filming a product guide video and other times a pro part where the riders are charging hard. Itā€™s a fun challenge to try to capture the feeling of downhill. Certain times it comes easier then others.

Wednesday ā€“ Editing and the closest hill to work
I download the footage from the film session and start to edit it down. The hardest part of editing for me is findin500x446-A-Week-in-The-Life-Of-Louis-Pilloniin-the-office-6g quality music. Iā€™m notorious for picking a horrible song. After 50 videos a year for the last 6 years (between Sector 9, R.A.D., and SkateHouseMedia) my music library is running thin. Once it gets close to sunset it is off to an infamous San Diego run for some skateboarding before the sun goes down. I always bring the camera because youā€™re never quite sure if you want to take a hike for a different perspective.

Thursday ā€“ Golf/Work/Surfing/Dinner
I am up before the sun for a round of golf with some fellow 9ā€™ers. Iā€™m a bit of a gambler so we are usually playing a skins game. During summer we can squeeze 18 in before 9 oā€™clock and back in the office handling business. Depending on the swell, I can get a sunset surf session in, or just a relaxing evening with the girlfriend.

Friday – Team Session and Prototype
Friday is the calm before the storm. Generally a lot of weekends are skate events where team riders will get together to skate and test prototypes. Munkey will bring out various products to test. Some are a better then others but it always fun to experiment and learn more about what affects the performance skate gear.

Saturday – Skate Event
The skate community gathers and good times are had. Iā€™m a competitive person by nature but that not why I skateboard. There are too many things about the skate community that keeps drawing me in. The rush, challenge, the people, the destinations, variety of culture, and the memories are what keep me coming back.

Abec 11 (30)
Almost (47)
Arbor (59)
Atlas (18)
Bear (37)
Bones (140)
Buzzed (1)
Caliber (71)
Carver (195)
Cliche (3)
DGK (70)
Divine (1)
DOPE (1)
DTC (2)
Flip (7)
Folk (0)
Grizzly (20)
Harfang (12)
Hawgs (64)
Loaded (132)
Madrid (65)
OJ Wheels (135)
Paris (74)
Penny (88)
RAD (10)
RARE (268)
RDS (88)
Real (26)
Ricta (45)
RipNDip (325)
RipTide (138)
Ronin (4)
Serfas (8)
Silver (18)
Slave (0)
Sunset (4)
SUPER7 (14)
Venom (38)
Xylan (4)
Yeehaw (4)