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Why you Absolutely need to own a Carver Skate this Summer.

Christmas Gifts for Skateboarders Carver online sales Canada Vancouver PickupEnjoy a sneak peek of our latest

video, releasing next week on Tuesday, 2/27. Once we release (make the video Public) on Tuesday, please help us to share and promote on your channels!

Ten-year-old Carver Japan Team Rider, Guy Tokuda, knows how to have fun. When in LA for surf training, he dropped by the Factory to put a 29″ Swallow to work, and then went down south to surf with Carver Team Rider Kent Nishiya. This video features the 29″ Swallow CX skated around Santa Monica.

Just like its namesake, this board is fast and loose, a magic combination of length and width that makes it easy to pump, and perfectly stable for cruising.See our Caver selection HERE

Ten-year-old Carver Japan Team Rider, Guy Tokuda, knows how to have fun. When in LA for surf training, he dropped by the Factory to put a 29″ Swallow to work, and then went down south to surf with Carver Team Rider Kent Nishiya. This video features the 29″ Swallow CX skated around Santa Monica.

Filmer & Editor: Gabriel Nakamura
Executive Producer: Neil Carver
Producer: Peter Shu
Additional Footage: Takuma Nishiya
Rider: Guy Tokuda
Music: Belako – Guk Emanez
Special Thanks: Carver Japan / Crest Internationals / The Nishiyas

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