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The Costa Rica Experience


It’s safe to assume every skateboarder dreams of traveling. The thrill of meeting new people, skating new spots and checking out the scene in different areas of the world keeps the passion fresh. When Gravity was invited to Costa Rica for a ten day tour we knew what an honor that was. We had seen pictures and videos of the growing skate scene down there, but nothing prepared us for what was in store.

Robbie-Lyons-getting-PittedOur main contact and Costa Rican distributor, Sebastian Fumero, organized the entire trip and invited Brad Edwards, Guto Lamera, Richard Camacho and me along for the journey. We knew the CR skateboard scene had been rapidly expanding for many years, but what we witnessed firsthand was entirely something else. Their skateboard culture was seriously passionate about progression, hungry for growth, and focused on having fun. Not to mention, everyone I met was humble, open-minded, and willing to learn as much as they could. It was the epitome of skateboarding in my eyes, run by skaters for skaters. When Sebastian picked us up from the airport that first day, it was on! The very first night we attended a local party with live music and a heated mini ramp session in the back. The beers were flowing, the band was jamming and everyone was enjoying themselves. It was the perfect welcoming, and a perfect transition into the trip that was about to begin.

The first two days of the trip were spent in the city of San Jose, where we got to skate the infamous Arenas Skatepark and El Cano ditch. All of the local shredders and Gravity patrons were there, skating with us and showing off their unique styles. Due to an unfortunate knee injury before the trip I was unable to skate, but that didn’t stop me from representing and thoroughly enjoying my time. In a sense it helped me gain a different perspective on everything. As an outside spectator I was able to perceive things differently, interact more with the locals, and really embrace the culture.

Brad-Edwards-Frontside-LaybInitially I was blown away with how hungry the local skaters were for progression, it really showed in the way they rode. They were never focused on having the best equipment but always about making the equipment work for them. It wasn’t about brands or riding whatever the newest “trendy” product was, it was just about riding. The guys and girls alike would leave it all on the line, every single session. At the same time, they had fun. In fact, I’ve never seen people have so much fun while they skate. Since the scene is tight-knit, everyone knows everyone and they all support each other. It’s not about who you are or what you ride, there’s just an unspoken unity amongst the skaters.

My favorite part of the scene was how pure it was. I felt as though I was reminded of why I started skating so long ago. It wasn’t about getting sponsored, it was about embracing the lifestyle and sharing a passion with friends. It was never about gaining fame or fortune, it was about expressing individuality. To put it simply, it was about skateboarding for the love of skateboarding, nothing else.

Richard-Comacho-Kickflip-FaIt was an honor to know the scene here in the US has influenced and inspired the scene in Costa Rica, I honestly had no idea it was like that until I saw it first hand. It was encouraging to know we’ve had an impact on them but refreshing to know they are creating something unique. I think the scene back home could take a step back and take a few notes from the Costa Rican scene. It’s not that I feel like the US scene is entirely misguided, I just feel like it’s been corrupted throughout the years. There was respect in Costa Rica that isn’t always apparent here. People don’t skate with ulterior motives like I’ve seen in the US, they just do it for the passion, and for what it ultimately represents. I wish that attitude was more evident at home, so we can all carry on the traditions of our sacred counter culture together. I remember the scene like that when I was younger but so much has changed since then. After our first two days in the city, we embarked on an epic journey from one side of the country to the other. We saw cities, beaches, jungles and more. Sebastian had rented us a van which we packed full. The locals had their own van full of shredders, and we caravaned our way to the best spots the country had to offer. The ones that called my name the most were the private Tilawa Skatepark, the infamous Arenas park and a very special, very secret pool I can’t speak of.

Sebastian-Fumero-Frontside-Heading back to the hostel that night was so bittersweet. I was so thankful for the entire experience but didn’t want the dream to end. Without diving in too deep, this trip changed my life completely. I Left with a whole new perspective and new found inspiration; not just in my skating, but in life as a whole. I was reminded of the purity of the skateboarding I remember from my youth. I was reminded of my humble beginnings and the long road I had traveled since that point. A fire was sparked inside of me that can’t be extinguished now. In fact, it’s continued growing since our return. I would highly recommend everyone head to Costa Rica at some point in their lives. Go with an open mind and I guarantee you will have nothing but great times.

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