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Canada’s # 1 Electric Skateboard Dealer – We are tier one Boosted Electric Boards Dealer, Watch great videos of Boosted, Marbel, Mellow Electric, NEXT, Oasis Electric Boards, E-GO, Evolve. Stories, howto mods and more.
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Here comes the second generation of Boosted Boards. Read more: We come from the future.
Building your own electric skateboard has never been so quick & easy! They are also much faster,
Link To The Electric Skateboard : Our Store : Follow Us Below! Instagram : Twitter : SnapChat : @Joogin10E Facebook : (THE JOOGSQUAD | Merrick : | | EdWiener: Turner : ) YouTube Channels To Subscribe To!! Ansley : Turner : EdWiener : FaceBook : 2nd Channel : Twitter : @Joogin10E (MustyCarlos) I can’t thank everyone enough, please feel free to ask any questions I will answer them if they are legitimate questions! We have a lot more to come guys so stay tuned & keep checking back! Thanks for all the love & support you guys are amazing! More videos coming later this week & new pranks after ever weekend!!
DOWNLOAD BEME (it’s free) and add me; Music by Arya Safakish on on on
Electric skateboards are really amazing, easy and effective way to drive in the city up to 20-30