Thunder Trucks

Thunder Trucks Team 143mm Polished


GREAT FREESTYLE TRUCKS! The Thunder Trucks Team 143mm Polished feature the original team design you know and love in a lightweight & ultra responsive unmatched board control and strength 100% backed by the Thunder Team.

Thunder trucks give you the turning response they are always known for. Thunder offers up a lightweight, durable truck that is guaranteed for life.

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Thunder Trucks Canada Online Sales Pickup Vancouver

Thunder Trucks Team Canada Online Sales Vancouver PickupThunder Trucks Online Sales Canada Pickup CalStreets VancouverGREAT FREESTYLE TRUCKS! Thunder trucks Team 143mm give you the turning response they are always known for. Thunder offers up a lightweight, durable truck that is guaranteed for life.

These Thunder Trucks Team 143mm Polished are ideal for anyone skating an 7.4″ wide deck or smaller. The original team design you know and love in a lightweight & ultra responsive unmatched board control and strength 100% backed by the Thunder Team.

The O.G. Thunder Trucks, 100% backed by the Thunder Team. Proven lightning quick response, lightweight design & unmatched levels of control and strength.


  • High level performance
  • Control & durability
  • Quick response
  • Aircraft Grade Kingpins
  • High impact protection
  • A smaller 143mm hangar
  • super strong
  • Set of 2
  • More here: Thunder Trucks

Thunder Trucks Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

Thunder Trucks Canada Online Sales Pickup Vancouver“Dashawn is one of the most positive skaters I’ve ever met. Always smiling and skating with so much power and control. His energy shines on and off the board. Keep smiling, Dashawn, the world can always use more of it.” – Nate Alton, Thunder Team Manager. Thunder Team are ahead of the game when it comes to maximizing strength. With sturdy baseplates are compression molded, making them lighter, stronger, and more impact resistant. 


Thunder Trucks

Thunder-Skateboard-Trucks-Header-870870x-thunder-headerThunder trucks has been rolling with quite some thunder (punintended). They are one of the original truck brands dating back to 1986.
They have perfected truck making down to a science, currently offering various widths to accommodate everyone board. Thunder sticks to making low and high trucks with various technological advancements such as hollow kingpins on some of their models. Thunder Trucks are guaranteed for life.
Thunder Trucks

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 8 × 11 × 4 cm
Axle Width
