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1754 West 4th Ave., Vancouver BC Canada

CalStreets LABS DrySpot Pizza Skate Party

CalStreets BoarderLabs PartyCalStreets BoarderLabs PartyThe Labs crew invaded our fave indoor skate park, the Dry Spot, for a refreshing slice of four-wheeled fun CalStreets style.

Longboarders traded in their stand-up slides for rail slides. King pins were reversed as soft wheels were shelved for a night of hard-wheeled fun.
Flying down hills was replaced with flying through the air. And there was some pain. Boards were snapped but not bones.

Oliver Lanyon and Alejandro Joselito Linares ruled the half pipe. Brandon H and Aaron Green tried to outdo whiz kid Adam Wiggum without breaking their noggins. Kynan S, recovering from a broken foot, actually skated. Nathan Custom Bishop coached the crew.

All in all it was a pizza-fueled ‘Boo guzzling good time. Adam mused that “the durometers finally surpassed rider’s IQ levels!”

Thanks to Cariboo Brewing (soft drinks, too), Rick Tetz for the photography, Aaron for the tunes, Graham for the catering, and Dry Spot for the fine facilities.

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