Independent Trucks

Independent Trucks Low Stg 11 Standard 139mm Silver


Time to get low! These sweet 48.5mm tall trucks are a quick popping, fast responding dream for skaters! Whether you love tech skating or just love the feeling of a low set up, these are the trucks for you! Their smooth grinding style will have you in control like never before!

Low trucks are awesome with wheels smaller than 51mm. Avoid wheel bite and maximize that low riding edge for flip tricks! Great for skating parks and street, these trucks are ideal at any skill level. Trusted by some of the biggest names in skateboarding, they won’t let you down! Quality you can land on!

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Independent Trucks Header Vancouve ronline shopping Canada

Independent Trucks Low Stg 11 Standard 129mm Silver Double Pic Vancouver Online shopping canadaWith a 4140 Independent Trucks Canada Largest Dealerchromoly steel axles and grade 8 kingpins these stage 11 standard Independent trucks are tough as nails. This SAE steel grade axle is super tough and are un-bendable by our team riders.

Standard Independent Trucks are so much more than just standard. Not only have they stood the test of time and braved every high and low of the skate scene but they have also revolutionized skateboard trucks. Leading the way through the street revolution Independent knows exactly what you need and beyond.

Whether you’re just shredding the streets after work or a pro like Reynolds, Figgy, Haslam, or Romero, Independent has all your needs covered. Serving skaters what they need since 1978, Indy has it down to a science, literally. The research and product design is amazing!

Bolt on these sweet low trucks and get tech! The 48.5mm Indy lows will have you popping nice and quick! They work perfect with wheels 51mm and smaller. Tech skaters rejoice! Fast response and amazing strength! Grind with confidence and flip out with style. Great trucks for any skill level! So good you’ll tell your cat!

  • 48.5mm Height
  • 139mm Width
  • Best suited for 7.8” – 8.25” decks
  • Sweet finish
  • Smooth grinds
  • Great response
  • 51mm & smaller wheel recommendation
  • 4140 chromoly steel axles
  • Grade 8 kingpin
  • Set of two

Emerica presents: Andrew Reynolds Emerica Stay Gold B-Side


Independent Trucks

Indy Independent Trucks Canada Pickup CalStreets Vancouver Independent Truck Company is a skateboard truck manufacturer based in Santa Cruz, California, United States (US). Established in 1978, the company is owned by NHS, Inc. The trucks are manufactured in the city of San Francisco, US, by Ermico Enterprises, Inc., the only dedicated skateboard truck foundry in the US. *May 23rd 1978 was the day that changed skateboard trucks forever. That was the day the world received the gift of Independent trucks. They have made trucks non-stop since day one. Available in a wide variety of sizes and heights and even featuring the 6 hole pattern (pre 1992 compatible) base-plates on some of their larger models. Independent does everything you can to get you on the grind.* Independent trucks are probably the most well known skate trucks to date.
Independent Trucks

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 4 cm
Axle Width