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Mike McGill Boosted Mini Canada online Sales Pickup Vancouver

Mike McGill (Bones Brigade) Joins Team Boosted

Boosted is excited to welcome Mike McGill to the team. Best known for inventing the McTwist, 540-degree aerial grabbing mute style. The Boosted Mini X is the stash-and-go Boosted experience youā€™ve been waiting for. At only 29.5 inches long, it fits perfectly under desks, in overhead storage on buses and trains, and is built for […]

Boosted Electric Skateboard Vancouver Authorized Dealer

2016 Boosted V2 Arrives in Vancouver

BREAKING NEWS: SECOND GENERATION BOOSTED ELECTRIC BOARD SPECIFICATIONS A high-density city, campus or neighborhood is a great place to live and work, but it can be a frustrating place to get around. From congestion to limited space to bike thieves, many factors make transportation slower, more expensive and less fun. Weā€™re focused on building simple, […]



Link To The Electric Skateboard : Our Store : Follow Us Below! Instagram : Twitter : SnapChat : @Joogin10E Facebook : (THE JOOGSQUAD | Merrick : | | EdWiener: Turner : ) YouTube Channels To Subscribe To!! Ansley : Turner : EdWiener : FaceBook : 2nd Channel : Twitter : @Joogin10E (MustyCarlos) I can’t thank everyone enough, please feel free to ask any questions I will answer them if they are legitimate questions! We have a lot more to come guys so stay tuned & keep checking back! Thanks for all the love & support you guys are amazing! More videos coming later this week & new pranks after ever weekend!!

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