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Longboarding for Peace Houstin BoraderLabs HQ

Houston: Longboarding for Peace

While most of the longboarding nation was buried in snow and ice, only dreaming of the spring when they could get their longboards out, Houston was balmy and the race scene was as hot as usual.Ā  The NoBull Longboarding Team hosted its first ā€œBattle For Peaceā€ race. The race format was typical full contact Texas […]

Longboarding For Peace Global Skate effort for Goodness

Longboarding For Peace – Killing It Globally!

Canada – Longboard4us, Quebec By Catherine D’Avril The idea of starting a longboarding school for girls in here in Montreal came to me when I was in Australia. Living there was an amazing experience that changed my life forever! I totally fell in love with the lifestyle, as I was surfing, paddleboarding and longboarding daily. […]


Longboarding For Peace – Mexico Report

Weā€™re getting close to the ninth month of activities and the kids are developing their skills just fine. I am learning so much about them and their communities too. We have developed a great bond with each other. A couple of months ago we had the annual Montreal Longboard Fest event sanctioned by the IDF. […]


Longboarding for Peace – Local Hero Award

Longboarding for Peace is proud to feature Betty Esperanza as the first recipient of our Local Hero Award. Hailing from Montreal, Quebec, Bettyā€™s dedication to helping youth spans almost two decades. With her Skateboards for Hope charity, Betty has made an extraordinary impact on many communities. In particular, her work in Cuba has been truly […]


Some Longboarding for Peace Prize Wheel Winners

Last year marked the beginning of something cool. Our Longboarding for Peace Prize Wheel! When ever you make a big purchase or just hand in a set of cores (ACTUAL CORES, not flat spots to the core. That doesn’t count) you get a spin to win some free stuff. This free stuff ranges from sticker […]


Longboarding for Peace Mid Winter 2015 Update

ETHIOPIA Sean Stromose is a documentary filmmaker who has spent a great deal of time in Ethiopia. When he contacted us to explain that he was headed over there to work with Ethiopia Skate, we were able to set him up with 10 Landyachtz completes. We went to a large orphanage in Addis with 10 […]


Longboarding for Peace Update as of Winter 2014

Longboarding for Peace is a global movement of peace, balance and justice powered by longboarders. We empower people to step on, step up and make great things happen in their communities. Visit longboardingforpeace.org for more information Curve Lake LFP traveled to Curve Lake, Ontario in July to participate in a workshop called SK8LIT. We presented […]

Longboarding for Peace Vancouver HQ BoarderLabs

Longboarding for Peace: David Milgaard

Longboarding for Peace is a global movement of peace, balance and justice powered by longboarders. We empower people to step on, step up and make great things happen in their communities. In May, Boarder Labs in Vancouver, BC, sent David and his son Robert some Longboarding For Peace completes. These decks were designed by the […]

Malaya Street Bombers Mikey Ortiz

Longboarding For Peace Malaysia

Having a vibrant longboard scene and industry is something some of us may take for granted in North America. At the moment we are sitting in the fruits from the labours of those before us who paved the way, allowing our communities to flourish, and an industry to grow. However, in many parts of the […]

Patrick Switzer and Longboarder Labs

Blood From Boarders Longboarder Labs Blood Drive

JOIN PATRICK SWITZER AND ANNA O’NEILL as they roll-up their sleeves at local blood banks. This coming October is your chance to step up and give blood! Longboarding for Peace is working with Canadian Blood Services and skate shops from all over Canada to save lives. In Montreal Longboarding for Peace is working with Restless […]


Longboarding for Peace with Longboarder Labs

At Longboarder Labs, we are proud to be involved with Longboarding for Peace… What is it about? Longboarding for Peace is a movement forward. We embody the spirit of all that is good and pure about Longboarding. We empower people to step on, step up and make great things happen in their communities. We strive […]

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