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the legacy warren bolster master of skateboard photography

VOLUME ONE The Legacy of WARREN BOLSTER Master of Skateboard Photography. Editor Daniel Gesmer. Published by © 2004 Concrete Wave Editions/Warren Bolster ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

As with everything I do, I have to give credit to my mother and father, Elizabeth and Edward Bolster. From an early age, they gave me hand-me-down cameras and screened slide shows of our family travels. They always encouraged and supported me in pursuing what inspired my love and dedication, even if they preferred I do something completely different that they could more easily understand.

Abec 11 (30)
Almost (47)
Arbor (62)
Atlas (18)
Bear (37)
Bones (141)
Buzzed (1)
Caliber (71)
Carver (244)
Cliche (3)
DGK (71)
Divine (1)
DOPE (1)
DTC (2)
Flip (7)
Folk (0)
Harfang (12)
Hawgs (64)
Loaded (138)
Madrid (31)
OJ Wheels (140)
Paris (74)
Penny (88)
RAD (10)
RARE (120)
RDS (88)
Real (30)
Ricta (45)
RipNDip (266)
RipTide (145)
Ronin (4)
Serfas (8)
Silver (18)
Slave (0)
Sunset (4)
SUPER7 (15)
Venom (38)
Xylan (4)
Yeehaw (4)