Blackriver’s hand-crafted concrete obstacles, born in Germany, signify the evolution from the renowned “Bonsei” concrete. The portable parking block, a mere 7.68 x 0.98 x 0.71 inches, ensures street credibility and an exceptional grind experience, fitting seamlessly into your backpack for on-the-go slappy cravings. Despite fine hair cracks resulting from the slow drying process, these are embraced as part of the material’s authenticity. The durable curb, immune to breaking, encourages regular use. Maintain its smooth surface with wax, akin to skateboard upkeep. Handmade in Germany, Blackriver’s precision work caters to fingerboarders’ unique needs, emanating from the pioneers of the scene themselves.
PLEASE NOTE: Fine hair cracks due to the slow drying process of concrete are normal and part of the realness factor of the material!
- Size: 0.98″ (W) x 7.68″ (L) x 0.71″ (D)
- Hand-crafted in Germany
- Made from real concreteÂ
- Fine hair cracks may be present from
slow drying process of the concrete - More here: BLACKRIVER RAMPS
Blackriver concrete obstacles are hand-crafted in Blackriver City and are the evolution of former “Bonsei” concrete.The parking block fits perfectly in your backpack and guarantees street credibility and the finest grind feeling! Get out your slappy cravings on-the-go.