Thrasher Magazine Red White Black Outlined Patch is the answer to the question “What’s the coolest way to show your Thrash pride?”
Looks good on pretty much any surface you can sew on! (Exceptions: shellfish, skin and foodstuffs.)
Thrasher has been a top in slot company when it comes to skateboard information and product since the early 80s!
In 2003, Thrasher started the King of the Road (KOTR) skateboarding competition.
The title of “Skater of the Year” is awarded annually by Thrasher magazine!
These guys also own and operate the double rock indoor skateboarding facility!
Thrasher Outlined Logo Patch:
- Red White Black!
- 4” Wide
- 1.75” Tall
- Looks badass
- Soft as a baby’s bottom
- Durable as Hell!
- Sold as singles
Grindland Red, Monk and the Birth of DIY is the story of Mark Scott and Mark Hubbard, two visionary skaters from the Pacific Northwest who, along with dedicated friends, kickstarted the modern DIY/concrete skatepark revolution. From the early days of Burnside to 2019s Rip Ride Rally, this film explores the friendship, struggle, triumph and tragedy of true iconoclasts, hellbent on building the skateparks of their dreams.