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A Surf State of Mind

Sometime in the late 1940ā€™s the skateboard evolved from the ocean like a tadpole, growing wheels and trucks where fins and rocker once lived.Ā  The act of riding that tiny oak plank with crappy metal wheels was called sidewalk surfing, however paltry an experience, it was compared to actually riding waves. And so it lived […]


Urban Waves

Jake Smith, throwing some dusty spray on roadside banks and dry ditches deep in the urban ocean. From his powerful backside snaps to his deep tail slides, his CX Carver set-up pumps between sections to link impossibly long rides without ever having to push. Soundtrack: Pond – Moth Wings (All the music credits go to…

Rock a future childsplay Labs Carver Rayne Landyachtz

Rock a Future 2013 with Longboarder Labs, Carver and Landyachtz!

CARVER-LABS-RAYNE – LANDYACHTZ: The Rock A Future Tour is an education and entertainment initiative aimed at inspiring thousands of students to follow their passion and provide them with direction and knowledge regarding various careers in the music industry. Designed to bring awareness and information directly to youth through high schools, youth organizations and communities. The […]


Surf the streets – Carver Skateboards Denmark

Carver Skateboards are the closest you get to the feeling of surfing a wave, on the streets. Watch this video to learn how it works, KĆøb et board hos din dansker forhandler, MUSIC CREDIT: Rodriguez – Can’t Get Away



Carver Skateboards. Pumping funny Surfskates. Check it out www.carverskateboards.com


Carver Skateboards: Flowing on the Platypus

Watch in your phone Follow us on Facebook Alex Bearden takes his Carver 42” Platypus through the streets of Pacific Beach, California, showing how much fun he’s having flowing on his new Carver CV Trucks.


Taylor Knox Carver Skateboard

Petites sessions de Carver Ơ Auckland en Mai 2012 FilmƩ avec une Go Pro Hero 2 Enjoy !!

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