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Carver c7 trucks Vancouver Mailorder Canada Online sales

The Amazing Carver C7 Truck

Carver trucks are are simply amazing! Looking for the ultimate carving and cruising truck. We have the answer for you! The Carver C7 trucks have a secondary pivot, which gives you a whole lot more lean, giving you that very similar feeling of surfing. Turn most any board into the ultimate carver board. Surf your […]


A Guide to Trucks

A guide to trucks Choosing the right truck for some can be a little challenging for those who are just getting into the sport. We want to make the decision making process as easy as possible. There are without a doubt many different types and style of trucks that all come with their own benefits […]


Carver Skateboard at the Skatepark

Short video to show how well Carver skateboards work at the skatepark. If you want to buy your own carver skateboard check out Filmed on a carver fort knox with C7 trucks at the LN skatepark in Orange County, California.

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