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Shralpers Union Update

Shralpers Union Shralpers Union Black and White

As many of you know, this past October was the Broadway Bomb in NYC. For those who don’t know, the Bomb is an 8.6-mile outlaw race that starts on 116th Street, cuts straight through the heart of the city and finishes by the Bull by Wall Street. It is dubbed the most dangerous skate race in the world because it happens in open NYC traffic and in the middle of the day.

Over the past decade, the numbers have grown from the 16 original attendees to over 1,500 at its peak a few years back. With the growth of the numbers, the race gained popularity as well as becoming a problem for the NYPD. Even though the race was handed off to Ian Nichols, he set it free a couple of years ago. No one really owns the race so there is no one to blame.

I believe this year the NYPD realized that it was going to happen no matter what. They showed up in numbers and conducted themselves very professionally. They actually were prepared and worked in unison to make it a safe experience for everyone.

The Shralpers Union crew had people in town from many chapters and took full advantage of the whole weekend. First there was the Uncle Funkys meetup, where the Union members got to meet some the local talent as well as catch up with people from other chapters. We spent the night sharing stories and reminiscing. As usual anyone who needed a place to stay found a warm home and open arms of a Union member.

Saturday morning was breakfast and getting recon before the race. We didn’t know what we were in for. At noon the race started and as a group we took the secret route in order to avoid the 20 blocks of mayhem; then it was every man for himself. It went off without a hitch. Union riders Kiefer Dixon (Bustin) and Cami Best (Sector 9) took first place for men and women.

Next was the BBQ that takes place right after the race. Sector 9 provided burgers and the winners were announced. Lots of schwag was given away. We brought the party with us everywhere we went, all the way back to the NJ headquarters.

Sunday morning started out with Uncle Funkys Style Sessions, which have become a classic. Next we explored the pump track in Brooklyn and plan on adding it to the festivities next year. No one really got any sleep, as we only get to unite twice a year – once at the Bomb and once again at Ultraskate in Miami.

Another date that is now sadly permanent is Dec. 6 – the day one year ago when Union founder Noel Korman and his girlfriend Alice passed away. Before he passed, Noel had been getting ready for a chili cookoff sponsored by GRZLY and Shralpers Union. In his honor we plan on making it an annual contest.

This year Union member Eric Liaci took ho500-x-500--Shralpers-Union-me the gold as all of Noel’s friends gathered to embrace his memory. The turnout was great. Besides our usual group of misfits, the original Batmobile was on the premises for the event (Bruce Wayne’s vegan chili didn’t stand a chance). One guest that really blew us away was that John O’Malley showed up. John is a living legend credited with creating California’s first skatepark, Carlsbad Skatepark (and the Concrete Wave Skatepark).

The cook-off raised over $700 for the homeless and we will be donating it to a local church. The show of love and outpour was priceless. At one point I caught Noel’s dad, Razor, shedding a tear or two quietly. I know Noel was up there grinning from ear to ear.

Heads Up: A crew of us is planning a skate across the country from Seattle to NYC (5,400+ miles), on which we will stop by many of the chapters. May 2016 is the official launch of the Shralpers Union movement.

Thankyou to Michael Brooke and Concrete Wave Magazine

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