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Vancouver’s HAMBOARD Shop!

A couple of days ago I had an opportunity to ride a Hamboard for the first time and holy sh@#it was I surprised! First of all let me tell you I have some experience with really long longboards, one of my first boards was a Sector Nine that was the same size as my Mom’s ironing board and I loved it! I expected this board to handle in a similar way (no real ability to corner but very stable) but it was just the opposite!

Even though this was a six and a half foot long heavy as all hell beast of a board I found I could actually pull a u turn in the middle of a residential street. I could grab the side of the board and sit with all my weight on one side and just turn in circles.

We decided to bring the Hamboard to a local surf shop (Sitka) to see it next to some surfboards and to see what kind of reaction we got…. very well received. The staff at the surf shop loved it and it was bigger than most of the surf boards! Every one wanted to ride it, and it quickly became the main focus of everyone in the store. After checking out our local surf shop and totally disrupting their store, we decided to take a little cruise down to kits beach.

This board is definitely not made for downhill, but once i got on flat ground and got my shoes off it was all aces, super responsive trucks and a board that feels like a rolling piece of the sidewalk, this thing is awesome! Surfing little banks and just cruising the beach is a lot of fun on a Hamboard and the looks you get from people is totally priceless, so if your in the market for a six foot long skateboard, go buy a Hamboard!.

And a big thanks to Peter at Hamboards for giving us a chance to surf here in Vancouver where there is no surf. Words by Pat Montgomery

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