H-Street Danny Way Rabbit in the Hat red Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup
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H-Street DANNY WAY Rabbit in the Hat TM7 B Series Reissue Deck (Warped As Hell) 9.8" x 30.5" Red $129.00
Schmitt Stix Joe Lopes Crystal Ball Modern Concave Reissue Deck White Dip 9.75" x 30.75" Skateboard Canada Pickup Vancouver
YITH Badge
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Schmitt Stix Joe Lopes Crystal Ball Modern Concave REISSUE Deck 9.75" x 30.75" White Dip $119.95

H-Street Godoy Killer Barracuda REISSUE Deck 8.9″ x 32.75″ Grey


The H-Street Godoy Killer Barracuda Deck is hard to go wrong with. Awesome transition shape, punk/tattoo inspired original art by Art Godoy, sick wood and limited quantities!  

The Killer Barracuda deck features standard concave and new school hole pattern with two sets of holes in the front. So you can choose between two wheelbase options! 

In stock

Online Sales Skateshop Vancouver Affirm, Paypal, Afterpay, Paybright Visa MastercardCANADA FREE shipping on most orders over $149.95


H-Street Skateboards Canada Pickup Vancouver

H-Street GODOY KILLER BARRACUDA Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

The H-Street Godoy Killer Barracuda is a modern rider for serious pool and vert shredding!

The Godoy Killer Barracuda is shaped for radical transition action and features Art Godoy’s artwork. Art took his inspiration from punk, tattoos, and skateboarding – things he likes best! This board has a squared tail with a full length usable nose so you’ll have fun doing nosegrabs and stalls.

Since the mid 80’s until today, H-Street is carrying on the legacy of its legendary riders, such as Danny Way, Matt Hensley, and Steve Ortega, to name a few. 


  • Length: 32.75″
  • Width: 8.9″
  • Wheelbase: 15″
  • New school hole pattern
  • Art Godoy signature limited model
  • More H-Street here

H-Street was founded circa 1986, by professional skateboarder Tony Mag and bro Mike Ternasky. The two teamed up with pro skateboarder Dave Andrecht to form the first skateboard company that was run by skateboarders.



H-Street Skateboards Canada Online Sales Pickup Vancouver H STREET - DANNY WAY REISSUE RABBIT IN THE HAT 9.8'' 30.25''team_title_imageH-Street Dave Crabb Canada Online Sales Pickup VancouverH-Street was founded circa 1986, by professional skateboarder Tony Mag and bro Mike Ternasky. The two teamed up with pro skateboarder Dave Andrecht to form the first skateboard company that was run by skateboarders.
T-Mags basic idea was that skateboard companies should be run by skateboarders and not guys in suits that didn't ride, and that skateboarding should be a source of free and individual expression. The fact most towns in America have an actual H-Street somewhere, made it into an every town idea. H-Street is inclusive, not exclusive.
H-Street also produced a host of innovative and original skateboard products, most notably T-Mag’s “Hell Concave”, a board with an extreme amount of concave, which extended throughout the tail and nose of the board.
H-Street had become a memory, but skateboarders of all ages kept watching those ground breaking and legendary videos! After years of people asking T-Mag about the brand, in 2008 he decided to resurrect it. Slowly the company has come back to life and now in 2015 with his business partner and wife Monica Mag, as a team they are taking H-Street back to the streets, where Only The Faithful reside.
We are H-Street. Born by passion, raised with grit, skateboarding is in our soul, it's the blood and sweat we leave behind at every bowl, street or park.  

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 85 × 35 × 10 cm
Deck Length

Skateboard Deck Width
