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Khatsahlano Jam by Longboarder Labs and Landyachtz

LABS & Landyachtz 2013 Khatshalano Jam & Festival!

Landyachtz and Boarder.Labs Present the KHATS Jam Ride & Demo. Saturday July 13 at the Kitsilano Days Festival. Amazing Deals on Longboards, Carvers and Hamboards! Its our official grand opening with lotsa swag from our supporters below. See you on our freshly paved West 4th Ave! Some Crazy Mad Prices coming to your Vancouver Longboard […]

Purple Shirt Slide Sunday Jam

Purple Slide Jam Kitsilano

Kitsilano Longboarding with Shred and Stoke and Boarder.Labs Purple Sunday Jams Gallery.



Link To The Electric Skateboard : Our Store : Follow Us Below! Instagram : Twitter : SnapChat : @Joogin10E Facebook : (THE JOOGSQUAD | Merrick : | | EdWiener: Turner : ) YouTube Channels To Subscribe To!! Ansley : Turner : EdWiener : FaceBook : 2nd Channel : Twitter : @Joogin10E (MustyCarlos) I can’t thank everyone enough, please feel free to ask any questions I will answer them if they are legitimate questions! We have a lot more to come guys so stay tuned & keep checking back! Thanks for all the love & support you guys are amazing! More videos coming later this week & new pranks after ever weekend!!

Boarder Labs and Vancouver Parks Board Longboard Safety Clinic

Longboarder Labs Parks Board Safety Sesh

On Sunday, September 28th, Boarder Labs and the Vancouver Parks Board held the 2nd Longboard Safety Clinic to help teach kids in skate how to use a longboard safely. The clinic filled very quickly with a maximum of 14 kids ready to learn the basics. We covered foot placement, foot breaking, carving, and an introduction […]

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